Some days, you feel as if everything you do just fills a bucket full of holes. Old-man-time zips by and you feel as if you didn’t get to finish a single thing on your to-do scroll.
Ever had a day like that?
We’ve been working like the clappers to get BON products into a store near to you. Some days it seems as if we’re getting nowhere fast. One step forward, three steps back.
Then we received this message …
Esther Queen-e Khoza posted on B.O.N Natural Oils’s timeline
“I entered a competition in March n got my free samples as prize, I already knew that your tissue oil was amazing, but now I want to know when will I be able to buy everything that I want from your products? Now the only thing I can purchase at my local pharmacy is the tissue oil n I just want to try every product that u have to offer cause B.O.N is simply the best. My childhood scar is disappearing from my knee n the results r just so overwhelming.. Please make all your products easily excessable cause I would buy them with the last penny I have without hesitation.”
Esther, you made our month. Thank you for those kind words.
Keep visiting our Facebook page, we have a few exciting announcements lined up.
Those of you who are still wondering how many words one can make from the letters in floccinaucinihilipilification. The answer is 936.
And here is what the word means:
floccinaucinihilipilification |ˌflɒksɪˌnɔːsɪˌnɪhɪlɪˌpɪlɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n|
noun [ mass noun ] rare
the action or habit of estimating something as worthless.
ORIGIN mid 18th cent.: from Latin flocci, nauci, nihili, pili (words meaning ‘at little value’) + -fication. The Latin elements were listed in a well-known rule of the Eton Latin Grammar.
Remember, it’s the little things that we do that count.
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